10 and 2: A New Challenge

Hello, Closet. Not to be rude, but I’m going to conquer you. We will be better friends afterwards, you’ll see.

Resolution #10, Defeat the Closet, is in full effect. I’ve started by pulling everything out and re-hanging it based on color, like I’ve seen them do at Plato’s Closet. I briefly debated then breaking it down into categories (long sleeves, tank tops etc.), but I needed to be realistic about it. It is already an extra step when I’m putting my laundry away to divide it by color or individually hang each item one at a time in the proper section – did I want to also have to sort by type? No no, far too much to think about. Really it is fortunate that I do my laundry at all.

And so I am going to embark on the 10 and 2 Challenge, created by the lovely Megan at Feathers and Freckles.

The Rules:

  • Pick 10 items from your closet that you avoid or have never worn (include accessories if you’d like).
  • Wear at least one of those items every day for 2 weeks.
  • Take photos so you can see what other people were looking at all day.
  • Make a decision; to keep or not to keep. No second guesses or second chances!

Here’s the one I’ve got planned for tomorrow:

I haven’t worn that gold dress in a few years, and until now it has just taken up space. It has a pretty,sort of art nouveau print I’ve always liked. I am hoping pairing it with the solid blazer and my riding boots will give it the edge and wear-ability I’m looking for.

I have a super long day tomorrow including work, a 5-hour meeting, happy hour, possibly dancing and then some copy writing and tech socializing at the Jelly. We shall see if my ensemble is up to the challenge.

After this closet cleanse, I will be embarking on a new 30 for 30 Challenge in March. Anyone up to join?

4 thoughts on “10 and 2: A New Challenge

    1. Right? I think I got it in the nondescript years after highschool, who knew it would become a gem. Can’t wait to discover more in the depths of my closet!

  1. this is such a great idea; i have so many items that i love, or thought i would love, but never actually wear. forcing yourself to wear them is brilliant, to force yourself to make a decision.

    i also need to figure out how to organize…… sigh.

    1. Aloha,
      You should join me then! It really does help since you have no choice but to make a decision on each item. Worry about organizing after 🙂

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